
Hi 👋 / Servus✋ / Namaskar 🙏 ,

If you have ended up on this corner of the internet, it is highly probabale that you might be interested to know a little bit about me.

I am an MSc. Robotics student @ RWTH Aachen with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. I aspire to be a great ‘Systems Engineer’ - a person who can build engineering systems from concept to production that solve real problems of the world. I am an advocate of the famous T-shaped approach to technical skill development.

My current interest areas are Control & Learning in Real-Time Systems which I am pursuing at Synapticon together with an amazing team.

I am always following the latest and greatest in AI, Robotics, Cyber Security & Consumer Tech. Outside of the technical sphere though, I pursue hobbies in my spare time - for which I am currently creating a separate webpage (work in progress) !

Check out my blog✒️ and projects👾

Feel free to reach out 📧 if you want to collaborate or stay in touch 😄